Meet Ruoyu, a Backend Engineer

Introducing Ruoyu, one of Acre's Backend Engineers. Ruoyu joined Acre back in October 2021.
What made you want to join Acre?
I made three wishes when I started looking for jobs after graduation - fintech, web dev backend and modern tech stack. When I got Acre’s offer, I felt maybe I should have wished for more wishes! Also, I was reading SICP at that time and Acre happened to use functional programming. Everything just felt right.
What does a typical day look like for you?
We have a standup meeting at 9:30 where people exchange updates. After that, I usually just work on my own tickets or help other team members. Acre has a free working environment, letting you explore things by yourself and also supporting you if needed. After work, I normally cook dinner and then check YouTube and Twitter (I’m not calling it X), and sometimes play PS5 or watch random TV shows.
Acre has a free working environment, letting you explore things by yourself and also supporting you if needed
What were you doing before?
Before joining Acre, I was doing my Computer Science master’s degree at UCL.
What's your go-to lunch (and why)?
It would be the nearest food market. My mind goes blank when it comes to deciding what to eat, so more options help me procrastinate.
What superhero power do you bring to the team?
I’d say attention to detail, which makes me enjoy bug tickets!